19 : Write a C program to print the roots of Bhaskara’s formula from the given three floating numbers. Display a message if it is not possible to find the roots.

Write a C program to print the roots of Bhaskara’s formula from the given three floating numbers. Display a message if it is not possible to find the roots. 
Test Data :
Input the first number(a): 25
Input the second number(b): 35
Input the third number(c): 12
Expected Output:
Root1 = -0.60000
Root2 = -0.80000

#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int main() { double a, b, c, pr1; printf("\nInput the first number(a): "); scanf("%lf", &a); printf("\nInput the second number(b): "); scanf("%lf", &b); printf("\nInput the third number(c): "); scanf("%lf", &c); pr1 = (b*b) - (4*(a)*(c)); if(pr1 > 0 && a != 0) { double x, y; pr1 = sqrt(pr1); x = (-b + pr1)/(2*a); y = (-b - pr1)/(2*a); printf("Root1 = %.5lf\n", x); printf("Root2 = %.5lf\n", y); } else { printf("\nImpossible to find the roots.\n"); } return 0; }
